Plumbing business for sale in Mt Beauty, Vic.
- Business Category: Construction
- Profit: -- Select Value -- - -- Select Value --
- Sale Type: Buy Out
- Business Type: Plumbing business
- Turn Over: -- Select Value -- - -- Select Value --
Business Location:
- Address: , Mount Beauty, Victoria.
Business Description:
This excellent small business was valued at $150-200k while running at full swing with 2 tradesmen, equipment and rented yard.
Now it's scaled down to just me, part time, living elsewhere.
Quick and easy to ramp back up to full swing.
Asking a massivly reduced price of $25,000 neg.
You get:
Phone and existing advertising linked to the number.
Customer list and details.
Feature article in local mt beauty /falls creek newspaper.
Meet and greet around the town, recommendations and contacts.
A great opportunity to work for yourself, escape from the city to a great lifestyle area.
Mt Beauty is a thriving small town with a great community and many opportunities for all ages.
Happy to discuss possibilities.
Email or text and I'll call you back and I'm out of service a lot.
Seller Information
Name: Quentin McFeat
Phone: 0414 353 166
Listing ID: 11758
Views: 218
Posted on: September 15, 2022
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