Catering and Food Stall Business For Sale
- Business Category: Catering and Events
- Business Plan exists?: Yes
- Marketing Plan/Research?: Yes
- Property Included?: Yes
- Sale Type: Buy Out
- Business Type: Food
- Business Development (in place): Yes
- Budget in place: Yes
- Financing Available: No
- Trial Period: No
Business Location:
- Address: , Mile End, South Australia.
Business Description:
Catering and food stall business for sale - currently run from commercial kitchen with flexible lease but can be set up from home or commercial kitchen, selling healthy convenience meals at very busy weekly markets and also offering private catering.
This business has continued to be profitable throughout covid and at some points turnover has even increased, with farmers markets deemed an essential service and people spending more time at home rather than travelling.
Profitable business with healthy weekly turnover, can be run by one person but lots of scope to grow. This business has provided me with a full-time income for the past 6 years, working 3-4 days a week.
Has been running for 6 years with a focus on healthy homestyle foods. Lots of original recipes included in sale.
Really wonderful regular customer base and regular catering clients - all contacts included with sale of business.
Could be run by someone with an interest in food and cooking or someone qualified, but being a chef is not necessary.
Genuine opportunity to buy an esablished business and become your own boss. I am selling as I have recently finished studying and am embarking on a new career, but very regretful sale as it has been a wonderful lifestyle business making a great income.
Sale includes full training, recipes, equipment, facebook page/marketing/branding and handover period.
Call for more information or to arrange an inspection.
Seller Information
Name: Holly Barnes
Phone: 0422 062 000
Listing ID: 10845
Views: 231
Posted on: March 2, 2022
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